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04/01/2017 - AzDGDatingPlatinum 2017 has been released - Demo.

18/08/2014 - Great discounts for Platinum versions 2011 and 2012. Read more

16/08/2014 - AzDGDatingMedium 2012 has been released - Demo.

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AzDG proudly presents to you a very cool Affiliate program where you can earn money by selling some of our services and products : for example - AzDGDatingPlatinum from version 1.4.x and higher, Website promotion service , AzDGDatingLite Copyrights removing and more ..

In order for you to participate in the AzDG Affiliates program you will need to register through ShareIt! company. This company is the intermediary between us and you. You can earn from 4% for non-customers, from 6% - big websites, from 8% for our existing customers or 10% for affiliate users with 5 or more large sales in any one month.

After you have registered we will check your website, if you meet our criteria we will then confirm your application and provide you with details of our affiliate rating of either 4%, 6%, 8% or 10%.

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